The Stinky Truth About Deodorant: Why You Should Clean Yours Up

The Stinky Truth About Deodorant: Why You Should Clean Yours Up
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Let’s be honest, body odor can be a real problem for many of us. That’s why deodorants have been a staple in our hygiene routines. But have you ever stopped to think about the ingredients in your deodorant? You may be surprised to know that the product you’re using every day could be causing more harm than good. Let's explore the truth about deodorant and why you really should consider making the swap too.

What’s in Your Deodorant?
The ingredients in most deodorants can be pretty alarming. They typically contain aluminum, which is linked to breast cancer, as well as other chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, triclosan, and fragrance. These ingredients can cause allergies, hormonal disruptions, and are even associated with the formation of cancer-causing cells.

Why You Should Consider a Cleaner Swap
Using a natural deodorant is a small but effective step that can improve your overall health and wellbeing. Switching to natural deodorants will minimize your exposure to extremely harmful chemicals, which in turn can lead to fewer toxins in your body making you a healthier you!

Transitioning to a Natural Deodorant
Making the switch to a natural deodorant can be somewhat challenging. During the transition phase, you may experience increased body odor and excessive sweating. Don't be dismayed, though, this phase typically lasts only two weeks, and your body will adjust and recover from the chemical dependence of your old deodorant!

I also found that my transition was GREATLY helped with armpit detox consisting of a clarifying scrub and detox mask.

Finding the Right Natural Deodorant
With so many options available to you today, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when trying to pick the best natural deodorant for your skin.

1.) First thing first, find out if you have baking soda sensitivities as many cleaner deodorants use a high amount of baking soda. Make a paste of 1/8 tsp baking soda and water. Rub it on your skin and leave for 10 minutes.  Repeat this daily for about 5 days. If you have a sensitivity you’ll know it by day 5. Doing this step will save you big bucks down the road so don’t skip it!

2.) Once you’ve determined if you have a baking soda sensitivity start reading product labels and finding brands that use clean ingredients. See below for some of my favorite brands!

3.) Double check their “clean & green” factor on handy apps such as EWG, Yuka or Think Dirty.

4.) Remember to grab some armpit detox tools to make your transition less stinky!

Embracing Your New, Cleaner Routine
Swapping your deodorant to a less toxic mess of ingredients makes you one step closer to the healthiest you you can be! Here some of my favorite clean products:

Be Well Company - they even have a whole Pit Detox Kit! This is the one I started my journey.
Thai Crystal Deodorant Stick - salt is the ultimate in smelly bacteria destroyer! 
Native - while this deodorant really helped combat the smell it's very high in baking soda so it can cause all kinds of skin issues if you have a sensitivity!
Pacifica Beauty Underarm Detox Scrub and Deodorant

By understanding the truth about deodorant, you can take control of your health and wellbeing, minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. With so many great natural deodorant options available, it’s never been easier to make the change. Remember that the transition phase may be a challenge, but with persistence and the right information, you can overcome it and enjoy all the benefits a cleaner routine has to offer.

Ready to learn how to make your own non-toxic deodorant? Check out my mini DIY class - all the supplies included!


Create a Home Apothecary to Support a Healthier Family

Create a Home Apothecary to Support a Healthier Family
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I remember the first time the light bulb went on in my head about using essential oils & herbs to help take care of some of my families ailments.  Man, I was so excited brewing up my first batch of herbal medicine and then seeing how well it worked…. Well that just put the nail in the coffin that I needed to get all the herbs and essential oils!  

Starting your own apothecary for natural wellness may seem like, whoa, but it’s actually really, really fun if you’re into that kind of thing. Not only will you be able to customize your remedies to fit your family's needs, but you'll also gain a deeper understanding of natural healing. Let’s walk you through the steps on how to start your own apothecary for natural wellness.

Step One: Research
The first step is learning about herbs, essential oils and what they can do for you and your family.  That way you’re not buying things willie nilly and you can immediately take action when you pick up your supplies. You'll also need to learn about what supplies you'll need to create your remedies, such as jars, bottles, droppers, and ingredients. Check out my Apothecary For Beginners course here to learn the basics on building your own apothecary.

Step Two: Create a Plan
First things first, what kinds of remedies are you wanting to create? Immunity support, insect bite salve or repellant, sleep aids, general wellness, salves for skin conditions…the list is dang near endless!

Next you need to decide on the size of your apothecary and where you'll store your supplies. The size of your storage will greatly determine how in depth you can get into remedies. Essential oils take up a MUCH smaller amount of storage space than the whole herb form but the whole herb has many more healing constituents than just the essential oil. Please don’t think that I believe one is better than another as both are amazing to keep stocked in your apothecary, just your storage size will determine how varied you can be.

Step Three: Gather Your Supplies
Now that you’ve got your plan in place. next comes the fun part: shopping and building your apothecary! A word of wisdom: KNOW THE COMPANY YOU’RE PURCHASING FROM! Purity matters in everything from your herbs, to your essential oils, to the other ingredients that you craft your salves, balms and tinctures from. You also don’t want to scrimp on your jars, bottles and other items either.  Nothing is worse than buying that cheap spray bottle only to have the nozzle quit working after two pumps or buy the cheap jars only to have them shatter when you pour in your salve.

Step Four: Start Creating
With your supplies gathered, it's time to start creating your remedies. Y’all this is SOOOO FUN! Knowing that you can rely on yourself to heal your families maladies *sigh* it’s the best! In your supply list you should make sure you grab a notebook or journal to keep track of your recipes.  NEVER rely on your poor brain to remember. When you are just starting out, use recipes from trusted sources and keep track of every recipe tweak, what works, what doesn’t, the dates you created it, etc.

Step Five: Enjoy the Journey
I adore every second I spend crafting an herbal goodie and I hope you do too.  Once you get the hang of some basic recipes start experimenting! Don’t just stick to the “rules”, bend them.  That’s where some magical stuff lies! Learn as much as you can, share your journey with others and embrace the natural healing journey.

And that’s all it takes to create your own apothecary! Remember, it can sound daunting but focusing on just one remedy at first will help to keep the overwhelm at bay. Again, check out my Apothecary For Beginners course here to learn the basics on building your own apothecary and help you get your apothecary up and running!


A Busy Mom's Guide to Eating Healthier

A Busy Mom's Guide to Eating Healthier
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I’ve always said that if I strike it rich, the first thing I would “buy” would be a personal chef. I mean, why does this family of mine need so much food?!?! C’mon! I admit there are times that I’m in it to win it with the meals I feed my family but there’s always a good percentage of the time I’m all “cereal for dinner”.

Y’all I KNOW that isn’t healthy, no matter what brand of cereal you buy so I really strive to up my game in the healthy meal department, even if I “cheat” and grab some on-the-go food.  Here’s some simple yet effective tips on how you can make healthier food choices even when you’re .

Know Before You Go
Check out what the restaurant serves before you even get in your car. This has never been easier with store apps and websites. Heck, you can even order before you get there to lock in those solid it’s-healthy-for-you choices and not self sabotage at the last minute.  

Opt for Healthier Substitutes
You don't have to give up your favorite foods, but you can choose healthier substitutes. For example, replace white rice with quinoa, eat whole-grain bread instead of white bread, use vinaigrette’s instead of creamier dressings and switch to sweet potato instead of traditional French fries. These easy swaps will help you eat healthier without sacrificing taste. Another hot tips is to fill up on veggies before you dive into the carb heavy foods.

Choose Grab-and-Go Healthy Options
Convenience is key when you're all meal planned out, so look for healthier options that are easy to grab and eat. Choose pre-cut veggies, rotisserie chickens, pre-made salads, whole-grain crackers & hummus cups, hard-boiled eggs, low sugar jerky, protein bars or shakes, fruit cups, nuts/trail mixes, nitrate and low sodium deli meats and cheese sticks. Thankfully bento boxes are still all the rage so call it a Lunchable and make the kids happy.

Remember we aren’t super mom’s, we are just regular mom’s doing our best. We don’t need to place a 5 course gourmet meal on the table every night, just food that’s as nutrient dense as we can possibly get our families to eat. And if that just so happens to come from Chick-Fil-A tonight, just make them grilled nuggets instead of breaded.

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Starting Something New When You’re Already Mommin’ As Hard As You Can

Starting Something New When You’re Already Mommin’ As Hard As You Can
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Y’all, of course I might be little biased buuuuut, there is no job as tough as being a mama. We are the prize fighters, the heavyweight champions of the all the jobs out there in the universe.

We mama’s come in so many forms: working full time then coming home to the monumental task of being a mama and wife. A stay at home mama that includes being caregiver, educator, babysitter, boo boo kisser, referree, maid, chef and so much more. And single mama's that are the breadwinner, mama and daddy all rolled into one. And what about us special needs mamas.… oy. Y’all I’m just exhausted typing this!

We are exhausted. We are tired. And it’s not hard to see why.

And even though we are stretched thin, we are wracked with guilt because we see that Influencer mama with the perfectly clean house, getting her perfectly clean kids to eat a perfectly clean, organic diet and we want more. We want to be the mama that tries to incorporate healthier foods, or start a healthier style of living. But we have nothing left in the gas tank so how can we possibly start something new?!?!?!

Take Care of Yourself
Mama s HEAR ME when I say you have to put yourself first every dang day. Not just self care Sunday’s. Everyday. Damn. Day. Check out this blog post to see why it's so important. 

How do you take care of yourself? Nurture your own wellbeing. Make sure you’re getting that good sleep, eat well, take time out of your day for you time, whenever you need it.

Embrace Imperfection
If you’re anything like me, you need someone to say this to you: YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO BE IMPERFECT. Live your life like it belongs in the out-takes baby and not a perfectly edited movie. Outakes are way funnier than the actual movie anyway! 

We can yada, yada about creating goals and hitting them but, at least to me, that’s just more striving to be perfect that I know I can’t handle when I start something new. Like dudes…I’m just trying to get in the habit. I don’t need any extra goal hitting I-did-it-perfect pressure. That ish is for the birds.

Stay Motivated
Staying motivated is seriously the hardest part of starting something new. I do bang all awesome for the first little bit then I’m like ‘whatever” and ghost it. #thestruggleisreal  Because staying motivated can be a struggle, I found it's best to stay engaged and interested in my new pursuit by immersing myself in a community of like minded mamas.  Which is why I created The Scrunchy Mama Club. By keeping engaged with my people, I keep myself motivated to stick with my new venture.  You can check out and join The Scrunchy Mama Club here.

Lean on Your Support System
Trying to start something new can feel daunting, but you don't have to go it alone. If The Scrunch Mama Club isn’t your thing, then look to your support system whether that's your spouse, a family member, or friend, to help you through the initial stages. They can offer encouragement, hold you accountable, and provide help when you need it. 

And listen Linda, for the love of allllllll that is holy, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and ask for help when you need it. That’s when you get the most “bang for your buck” and see things in a perspective that you’ve never seen before.

Mama’s, starting something new can be soooo challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding.
Whatever you are looking to pursue, remember that it's never too late to begin and it’s okay to not be damn perfect. By prioritizing YOURSELF, embracing imperfection, staying motivated,
and leaning on your support system, you can do anything!  Don't be afraid to take that first step - the only thing standing between you and your dreams is the courage to begin.

If you're ready to gain energy to help you feel like a new mama, join The Energy Challenge here. Not only will you get amazing energy but you'll sleep better and feel amazing too!

PS - if you're ready to get "scrunchy" grab my free guide and start changing your life for the better!

Try These Non-Toxic Fall Scent Blends for A Cozy Home This Fall

Try These Non-Toxic Fall Scent Blends for A Cozy Home This Fall
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I might love me some sweet summertime but I think it's fairly safe to say that we luuuuuurrrrve Fall and everything that comes with it. The foods (pumpkin pie, I'm lookin at you!), the cozy blankets and sweaters, and the delicious SMELLS!  

Here's some yummy essential oil blends that will be sure to give you all the cozy Fall vibes. These blends are based on a 2 ounce bottle but you can increase to fill any size bottle!

Y'all...I'm still trying to figure out how to get the dang Pinterest pin on my website so pardon the newbie move but here's the Pinterest link so you can Pin for later:

You can easily turn this into a diffuser blend by reducing the total drops to a maximum of 20 drops. I personally reduce the recipe into thirds. For example the Orange Spice diffuser blend would be 4 drops orange, 4 drops cinnamon and 2 drops cardamom.

If your looking for spray bottles you can grab 2 ounce bottles, 4 ounce bottles, 8 ounce or 16 ounce bottles here. You can grab witch hazel from any Walmart, Target, most grocery stores or here. Need to add some of these oils to your stash? Grab them here.

If you love this recipe, you'll LOVE my free guide that has an essential oil recipe that helps keep my family healthy year round!


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