Essential Oils: Can You Use Them As Medicine?

Essential Oils: Can You Use Them As Medicine?
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For the mamas out there who are looking for natural and low toxin remedies for their family's health and wellness, essential oils could be the answer. Essential oils have been used for many centuries to support physical and emotional health. They are derived from plants and contain natural compounds that can help alleviate various ailments.

I started using essential oils for the purpose of ditching chemicals and being more self reliant with our “medicine”.  The more I learned, the more I realized that they had so many other benefits! If you are a mom who is looking to live a low-tox lifestyle and is considering essential oils as an alternative to traditional, over-the-counter medicine, then this post is for you.

Essential Oils as Medicine
Essential oils contain potent and highly concentrated plant extracts that have been used for centuries as a form of traditional medicine. I like to think of essential oils as the “life blood” of the plant. Each oil has its own unique set of therapeutic benefits, which range from pain relief and immune system support to reducing anxiety, promoting sleep and releasing stored emotions.

Essential Oils vs Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine definitely has it’s place in today’s world and I am in no means saying essential oils can replace all modern medicine, but rather essential oils can enhance your health and overall well-being. In the Morse house we reach for essential oils for things like headaches, relief from minor burns, help getting “regular”, help relieving coughs and immune support before we go to the doctor or pharmacy.

How to Use Essential Oils for Medicine

When used properly, essential oils can provide relief for a range of ailments. Oils can be applied topically on the skin, with a carrier oil like coconut oil for example, or inhaled using a diffuser. You can also add a drop or two of essential oil to your bath or mix it with your favorite beauty or hair product. When it comes to ingesting essential oils, it’s extremely important to trust your essential oil source. I trust my families health with these oils to be pure enough for my family to ingest.  

Choosing the Right Essential Oils for You
Sometimes it can seem overwhelming because there are many oils to choose from. While you’re getting to know essential oils, it’s a really good idea to follow recipes from a trusted source, so you can learn what oils can be applied neat or need to be used diluted and to match oils to ailments/problems.  

There is nothing that I love more than teaching people how to use essential oils for their families health! It is beyond fun to see people light up when they see results from a little bottle of oil. #bestfeelingever
Over on my group, The Scrunchy Mama’s Club, we share how to start with essential oils, deep dive on how to use essential oils topically, aromatically and ingestion, what oils are perfect for what ailments, really great recipes and DIY how-to's. Head over to join the group and get scrunchy with us!


Sweet Freedom: Why I'm Giving Up Sugar and You Should, Too!

Sweet Freedom: Why I'm Giving Up Sugar and You Should, Too!
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Mama’s, I think we can all agree that sugar can be our best friend during stressful and sleepless days. A big fudge brownie after a long day of work can send us into a euphoric state of calm. But let's face it, ladies. Our love for sugar is not doing us any favors. If you’ve followed me for more than 10 minutes, y’all know that sugar and bakes goods are my nemesis. But they are the sweetest, most delicious nemesis you can have, amirite?

Intellectually I KNOW that sugar is addicting (even more than cocaine!) but it took this quiz to really make me open my eyes of HOW addicted I really was. And just like that, I made the decision to give up sugar. Here are a few reasons why I am going sugar-free and why you should too!

1. It's SOOOO Bad For Our Health

Let's face it. Eating too much sugar isn't healthy. Numerous studies link sugar to obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. As moms, we need to make sure we live long and healthy lives, so we can see our babies grow up and enjoy their families someday. Sure, giving up sugar won't completely prevent these health issues, but it can have a significant impact.

2. It Affects Our Mood

Many of us think that sugar consumption only affects our bodies, but it also has an impact on our moods. When we eat sugar, our blood sugar levels spike, and then crash. This can lead to mood swings, irritability, and anxiety. We don't need any more stress in our lives, do we? After giving up sugar, I noticed my mood stabilized, I felt calmer throughout the day and Hangry Jacquie not kicking around the house at 5 p.m. anymore.

3. It Helps Us Make Better Food Choices

When I gave up sugar, I also made the decision to really buckle down on eating more veggies.  Meals used to be heavy carbs, low or no veggies.  Now I’m concentrating on high veggie content. Do I pay attention to carb counts in veggies? Not even a little bit. My concentration is on a variety of veggies, not just the same three all week long.

4. It Sets a Good Example for Our Kids

I gotta admit, this is one of my most motivating factors as a mama. As moms, we are our children's most significant influence when it comes to healthy eating habits. If they see us constantly consuming sugary foods and drinks, they will think it's normal. But, if they see us making healthier choices, they will adopt those habits, too. When I started giving up sugar, Jace, my sugar junkie, began being more selective about his sugar consumption.  Man, it made me SO proud to be setting a good example.

Making the decision to give up sugar was not an easy one. It’s the right choice for me and my family. If you are struggling with your relationship with sugar, I encourage you to try giving it up for a while. Start by slowly cutting back or trying natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. Your body (and mind) will thank you. Let's aim for sweet freedom, mamas!

Grab my Sugar Free Checklist here and get started on your own no sugar journey!

And did you know that I'm building a community of amazing mamas just like you so we can share our success and cheer each other on?  Join now here!


The Ultimate Mom’s Guide to Living Fulltime in an RV: Is it Possible?

The Ultimate Mom’s Guide to Living Fulltime in an RV: Is it Possible?
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Living fulltime in an RV may sound like a dream come true. The idea of having the flexibility to work and travel from one place to another without being tethered to a traditional home sounds exciting and adventurous. But is it possible to live fulltime in an RV with kids? The answer is YES, and we’ll explore everything you need to know about living in an RV fulltime as a family.

#1. RV Living is a Great Option for Families

Before we dive into how to make RV living work, it’s important to understand why it’s a great option for families. Living in an RV fulltime allows families to spend quality time together, explore new places, and create unforgettable memories. It also provides the opportunity to disconnect from the daily grind and truly relax in nature.

#2. Choose the Right RV for Your Family
When it comes to living in an RV fulltime with kids, choosing the right RV is key. There are many types of RVs to choose from, including motorhomes, travel trailers, and fifth wheels. Each type has its pros and cons, so it’s important to take into consideration your family’s needs, lifestyle and budget. A motorhome, for example, is a great option for families who want to be able to move around easily and have their home and vehicle in one. A travel trailer, on the other hand, is a good choice for families who want flexibility in choosing smaller tow vehicle. A fifth-wheel is the ultimate when it comes to space.

#3. Plan Your Route Carefully
When you’re living in an RV fulltime, planning your route is crucial. You’ll need to take into consideration things like road conditions, gas stations, rest areas, and campgrounds that are family-friendly. Planning ahead will ensure that you have a stress-free travel experience. Don’t be afraid to take the scenic route and explore new areas as well!

#4. Embrace Minimalism
Living in an RV fulltime means giving up the luxuries of a traditional home such as large appliances, excess belongings, and storage space. To make RV living work, it’s important to embrace minimalism and only keep what is necessary. Moms can get creative with storage solutions and opt for multipurpose items that can serve many functions.

#5. Develop a Routine for Your Family
Living in an RV fulltime can be a big adjustment for families, especially for kids. To make the transition easier, moms should develop a routine for their family that includes regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and playtime. Having a routine will give kids a sense of stability and help them adjust to their new lifestyle. 
Living fulltime in an RV is not only possible but can be a fun and rewarding experience for moms and families. By choosing the right RV, planning your route carefully, embracing minimalism, and developing a routine for your family, you can make RV living work for you. The key is to be flexible, open-minded and enjoy the journey!
Pssstt…the picture is our family’s “launch day”…the day we took off and said good bye to our hometown!


Detoxifying the Mom Bod: Where Are Toxins Stored in the Body?

Detoxifying the Mom Bod: Where Are Toxins Stored in the Body?

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As moms, our bodies are constantly working hard to protect and nurture our families. We clean, we cook, and we keep the house in order while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, even with the best of intentions, we can expose ourselves to various toxins from the environment, food, and products we use on a daily basis.

But have you ever wondered where these toxins are actually stored in the body? Let’s explore where we store toxins AND how we can help our bodies eliminate these harmful substances.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body when it comes to detoxification. It’s responsible for filtering out chemicals and converting them into water-soluble compounds that can be eliminated from the body. However, the liver can only handle so much before it becomes overwhelmed. When this happens, toxins can start to accumulate in our fat cells.

Like…. whaaaaaa?????  This is why it’s crucial to support our liver function. Eat a healthy diet high in veggies and fruits while avoiding alcohol, sugar and processed foods.

Did you know fat cells can store toxins too? This is because toxins are fat-soluble, meaning they can easily be stored in our fat tissue. As we lose weight, these toxins can be released back into the bloodstream and potentially cause harm. #foreal

To minimize this risk, it’s important to support our bodies with healthy nutrients and regular exercise, ESPECIALLY if we are losing weight.

Our kidneys are also important players in the detox process. They filter waste and excess fluids from the blood, which are then eliminated through urine. However, just like our liver, our kidneys can only handle so much. To help support kidney function and prevent toxic buildup, it’s crucial to stay hydrated to help eliminate this gross junk.

Toxins are also stored in our digestive system. The gut is home to trillions of microorganisms that play a crucial role in our overall health. So if these guys are compromised (for example from poor diet or antibiotic use) then our bodies ability to eliminate these toxins will be compromised too (sad face).

As moms, we do our best to keep our families healthy and happy. But sometimes, we forget to take care of ourselves too. Now that we know where toxins are stored in our bodies, we can take steps to support our natural detoxification processes and minimize our exposure to harmful substances. Let’s prioritize our health, so we can continue to be the best moms possible!

If you’re looking for more ways to support toxin removal from your mom bods, join my community where we share hot tips, products that support us and boost each other up!


How Do I Choose A Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent?

How Do I Choose A Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent?
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Laundry, laundry, laundry.  It can be the bane of a mama's existence, am I right?  So how do we take one of the dirtiest jobs in the house and clean it up? (see what I did there)

Mamas, HEAR me when I say when I first traveled down this road I made many costly mistakes. I tried the whole DIY laundry soap and dang near broke my $2500 washer machine and went through hundreds of dollars in clothing, towels and bedding because I couldn't keep them clean. I'd end up ditching them, starting fresh only to find them disgustingly dirty once again.

All because I didn't understand what soap or detergents do AND how hard my water is.  They play a crucial roll in how to keep your clothes fresh and *really* clean.

It All Boils Down To...

Your water.  This is where the problems start. Is your water hard?  If your shower is prone to soap scum,  you've probably got hard water. 

Pssttt.......Hard water just means your water has a high concentration of minerals from filtering down through deposits of limestone, chalk or gypsum. These minerals are largely calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulfates.

Why Does This Matter? 
The minerals in your water bond with the detergent.  So not only is the minerals "eating" your detergent, it's actually making a slurry that draws MORE dirt and grime into your clothes than before you threw them in the washing machine.  Talk about a major head slap. 

So if you're anything like me and pulling freshly laundered clothing from the dryer and it's looking worse than before you popped it in the wash, you've probably got hard water my friend.

So How's A Scrunchy Mama Going To Get Her Clothing Really Clean?
Quickest, cheapest way to battle your hard water for your laundry is to use 1/2 cup Borax per load. Be sure to check your machine's manual on where to put it. It's definitely NOT going to be in your water softener slot though!

A long term, whole house solution would be to get a home water softener system.  You'll want to consult a professional for this step.


I bet you thought we'd be done with the hard water thing already.....NOPE!

Powdered detergents tend to bind with the minerals in hard water which mean you'd actually have to use more powdered detergent so it's just a safe bet to stick with liquid detergents.  

To Soap or Not To Soap......That is the Question
Soaps are made from natural ingredients, while detergents are generally made from synthetic chemicals. The problem with soap is that, if not properly rinsed, it can leave behind a residue on fabrics and inside your washer- especially if there is ....drum roll please.....hard water present.  This dang hard water just won't quit!

Detergents will rinse away more cleanly and are generally more effective at cleaning than their soap counterpart, especially in hard water. Soaps are also less efficient in high efficiency washer because there isn't as much water in the rinse cycle.

Anything Else??????
Enzymes....Most commercial detergents have enzymes in them.  Enzymes help speed up the breakdown of stains and dirt.  Whatever brand you swap to, make sure that your new detergent contains enzymes for a more powerful clean

Don't Know If You Have Hard Water?
If you don't know if you have hard water or not, there are a a few ways to find out  If you're on municiple water you get your answers from them.  If you're on well water you can grab a water test kit from a local pool supply store or grab a simple test or a comprehensive test from Amazon.


My personal preference is Dirty Labs.  They have an A rating on EWG's Skin Deep plus it's a liquid detergent that has enzymes. It checks all the boxes that I have for my non-toxic criteria.  The 80 load bottle is more economical than the 32 load bottle (of course) and it's almost neck and neck at Tide's price point. That's what I call a win/win/win!!! 

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