Essential Oils: Can You Use Them As Medicine?
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For the mamas out there who are looking for natural and low toxin remedies for their family's health and wellness, essential oils could be the answer. Essential oils have been used for many centuries to support physical and emotional health. They are derived from plants and contain natural compounds that can help alleviate various ailments.

I started using essential oils for the purpose of ditching chemicals and being more self reliant with our “medicine”.  The more I learned, the more I realized that they had so many other benefits! If you are a mom who is looking to live a low-tox lifestyle and is considering essential oils as an alternative to traditional, over-the-counter medicine, then this post is for you.

Essential Oils as Medicine
Essential oils contain potent and highly concentrated plant extracts that have been used for centuries as a form of traditional medicine. I like to think of essential oils as the “life blood” of the plant. Each oil has its own unique set of therapeutic benefits, which range from pain relief and immune system support to reducing anxiety, promoting sleep and releasing stored emotions.

Essential Oils vs Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine definitely has it’s place in today’s world and I am in no means saying essential oils can replace all modern medicine, but rather essential oils can enhance your health and overall well-being. In the Morse house we reach for essential oils for things like headaches, relief from minor burns, help getting “regular”, help relieving coughs and immune support before we go to the doctor or pharmacy.

How to Use Essential Oils for Medicine

When used properly, essential oils can provide relief for a range of ailments. Oils can be applied topically on the skin, with a carrier oil like coconut oil for example, or inhaled using a diffuser. You can also add a drop or two of essential oil to your bath or mix it with your favorite beauty or hair product. When it comes to ingesting essential oils, it’s extremely important to trust your essential oil source. I trust my families health with these oils to be pure enough for my family to ingest.  

Choosing the Right Essential Oils for You
Sometimes it can seem overwhelming because there are many oils to choose from. While you’re getting to know essential oils, it’s a really good idea to follow recipes from a trusted source, so you can learn what oils can be applied neat or need to be used diluted and to match oils to ailments/problems.  

There is nothing that I love more than teaching people how to use essential oils for their families health! It is beyond fun to see people light up when they see results from a little bottle of oil. #bestfeelingever
Over on my group, The Scrunchy Mama’s Club, we share how to start with essential oils, deep dive on how to use essential oils topically, aromatically and ingestion, what oils are perfect for what ailments, really great recipes and DIY how-to's. Head over to join the group and get scrunchy with us!



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