The Stinky Truth About Deodorant: Why You Should Clean Yours Up
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Let’s be honest, body odor can be a real problem for many of us. That’s why deodorants have been a staple in our hygiene routines. But have you ever stopped to think about the ingredients in your deodorant? You may be surprised to know that the product you’re using every day could be causing more harm than good. Let's explore the truth about deodorant and why you really should consider making the swap too.

What’s in Your Deodorant?
The ingredients in most deodorants can be pretty alarming. They typically contain aluminum, which is linked to breast cancer, as well as other chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, triclosan, and fragrance. These ingredients can cause allergies, hormonal disruptions, and are even associated with the formation of cancer-causing cells.

Why You Should Consider a Cleaner Swap
Using a natural deodorant is a small but effective step that can improve your overall health and wellbeing. Switching to natural deodorants will minimize your exposure to extremely harmful chemicals, which in turn can lead to fewer toxins in your body making you a healthier you!

Transitioning to a Natural Deodorant
Making the switch to a natural deodorant can be somewhat challenging. During the transition phase, you may experience increased body odor and excessive sweating. Don't be dismayed, though, this phase typically lasts only two weeks, and your body will adjust and recover from the chemical dependence of your old deodorant!

I also found that my transition was GREATLY helped with armpit detox consisting of a clarifying scrub and detox mask.

Finding the Right Natural Deodorant
With so many options available to you today, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when trying to pick the best natural deodorant for your skin.

1.) First thing first, find out if you have baking soda sensitivities as many cleaner deodorants use a high amount of baking soda. Make a paste of 1/8 tsp baking soda and water. Rub it on your skin and leave for 10 minutes.  Repeat this daily for about 5 days. If you have a sensitivity you’ll know it by day 5. Doing this step will save you big bucks down the road so don’t skip it!

2.) Once you’ve determined if you have a baking soda sensitivity start reading product labels and finding brands that use clean ingredients. See below for some of my favorite brands!

3.) Double check their “clean & green” factor on handy apps such as EWG, Yuka or Think Dirty.

4.) Remember to grab some armpit detox tools to make your transition less stinky!

Embracing Your New, Cleaner Routine
Swapping your deodorant to a less toxic mess of ingredients makes you one step closer to the healthiest you you can be! Here some of my favorite clean products:

Be Well Company - they even have a whole Pit Detox Kit! This is the one I started my journey.
Thai Crystal Deodorant Stick - salt is the ultimate in smelly bacteria destroyer! 
Native - while this deodorant really helped combat the smell it's very high in baking soda so it can cause all kinds of skin issues if you have a sensitivity!
Pacifica Beauty Underarm Detox Scrub and Deodorant

By understanding the truth about deodorant, you can take control of your health and wellbeing, minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. With so many great natural deodorant options available, it’s never been easier to make the change. Remember that the transition phase may be a challenge, but with persistence and the right information, you can overcome it and enjoy all the benefits a cleaner routine has to offer.

Ready to learn how to make your own non-toxic deodorant? Check out my mini DIY class - all the supplies included!



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