The Ultimate Mom’s Guide to Living Fulltime in an RV: Is it Possible?
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Living fulltime in an RV may sound like a dream come true. The idea of having the flexibility to work and travel from one place to another without being tethered to a traditional home sounds exciting and adventurous. But is it possible to live fulltime in an RV with kids? The answer is YES, and we’ll explore everything you need to know about living in an RV fulltime as a family.

#1. RV Living is a Great Option for Families

Before we dive into how to make RV living work, it’s important to understand why it’s a great option for families. Living in an RV fulltime allows families to spend quality time together, explore new places, and create unforgettable memories. It also provides the opportunity to disconnect from the daily grind and truly relax in nature.

#2. Choose the Right RV for Your Family
When it comes to living in an RV fulltime with kids, choosing the right RV is key. There are many types of RVs to choose from, including motorhomes, travel trailers, and fifth wheels. Each type has its pros and cons, so it’s important to take into consideration your family’s needs, lifestyle and budget. A motorhome, for example, is a great option for families who want to be able to move around easily and have their home and vehicle in one. A travel trailer, on the other hand, is a good choice for families who want flexibility in choosing smaller tow vehicle. A fifth-wheel is the ultimate when it comes to space.

#3. Plan Your Route Carefully
When you’re living in an RV fulltime, planning your route is crucial. You’ll need to take into consideration things like road conditions, gas stations, rest areas, and campgrounds that are family-friendly. Planning ahead will ensure that you have a stress-free travel experience. Don’t be afraid to take the scenic route and explore new areas as well!

#4. Embrace Minimalism
Living in an RV fulltime means giving up the luxuries of a traditional home such as large appliances, excess belongings, and storage space. To make RV living work, it’s important to embrace minimalism and only keep what is necessary. Moms can get creative with storage solutions and opt for multipurpose items that can serve many functions.

#5. Develop a Routine for Your Family
Living in an RV fulltime can be a big adjustment for families, especially for kids. To make the transition easier, moms should develop a routine for their family that includes regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and playtime. Having a routine will give kids a sense of stability and help them adjust to their new lifestyle. 
Living fulltime in an RV is not only possible but can be a fun and rewarding experience for moms and families. By choosing the right RV, planning your route carefully, embracing minimalism, and developing a routine for your family, you can make RV living work for you. The key is to be flexible, open-minded and enjoy the journey!
Pssstt…the picture is our family’s “launch day”…the day we took off and said good bye to our hometown!



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